About kaitlin
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Entries by kaitlin
CC&N Announces Premier DAS Provider Brand
/in In-Building Cellular (DAS)/by kaitlinDistributed Antenna Systems Group to provide Solutions Across Nation [Brookfield, WI, April, 2021] — CC&N, a leader in the wired and wireless network infrastructure required for today’s latest technologies, is launching a distinctive brand to emphasize their leadership in the world of Distributed Antenna System (DAS) solutions. The new CC&N Premier DAS Provider brand brings […]
Data Center Connectivity
/in Cabling Infrastructure/by kaitlinAUTHOR: ROWLAND MORRISON Whether you are designing a new data center or upgrading your current facility to new virtualized needs. Connectivity is key to the functionality, performance, reliability and cost-effectiveness. The following provides a brief discussion on 6 essential steps in achieving optimal connectivity. Count the Costs: Preterminated vs. Custom Cable The first consideration is […]
In Case of Emergency
/in Public Safety/by kaitlinAUTHOR: GARY WOOD Public Safety & Your Wireless Network Has your municipality or fire protection district adopted a building code requiring an in-building wireless communications system to ensure reliable public safety coverage? Let’s discuss what you need to ensure compliance, as well as the consequences of non-compliance. Being proactive now may help you avoid your […]
The Real Cost: Sourcing Networking Materials
/in Cabling Infrastructure/by kaitlinSourcing Networking Materials AUTHOR: KEN DIXON Installing new cable infrastructure or overhauling an existing infrastructure can be a costly endeavor, so it’s understandable that organizations want to minimize expenses where possible. Some companies may try to contain costs by buying their own cabling and network component materials, rather than having their technology partner order the […]
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